Monday 17 August 2015

Career Test

Assalamualaikum and hello!

I want to be a businesswoman in the future. I wrote that in my last post. Today, I ran a career test. The result turned out to be that a I am ISFJ- Nurturers and Defenders.

ISFJ is very observant and aware of others reactions and feelings. I always try to make everyone that surrounds me happy. ISFJ is also service oriented. They focuses on other's wants and needs. I always prioritise others before myself.

The result also stated that I am extremely interested and tuned to how other's are feeling. I always trying to pursuade people whenever they are feeling sad. And the other thing was I enjoy creating order and structure, and I am EXTREMELY good at this. I love to organise all the things. Every night, before I go to sleep, I will list all the things that I want to do on tomorrow. This routine always helps me to make my day more organise.

Last but not least, the possible career paths for the ISFJ is designers, interior.decorators, social work/counsellors and so on. This type of career really matches well with my ambition. I want to be a businesswoman in woman clothing. I really like to observe the current trending fashion. In the future, I want to design my own brand. When I get richer,I will do some social works to help the poor citizen. 

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!

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