Sunday 23 August 2015

Personal Reflection

Assalamualaikum and hello! :D

I'm back today with a post title PERSONAL REFLECTION. Mr. Irwan asked us to write a post about an incidence which have make us reflect ourselves. is my story!

I really love Accounting. Accounting is my passion. I started to fall in love with Accounting since I was Form One. My teacher taught me the basic in Accounting in a really interesting way! I enjoyed learning with her.

After PMR examination, I furthered my studies in full-residential boarding school in Klang. Of course, I took Accounting course for my SPM. At first, it was quite hard. Having to adapt with a new environment, friends, teachers and all that. But, I believe in passion. I believe if we really like that particular thing, we have to keep it until the end! So, I did not easily give up. I listened attentively in class, did all my homework and exercises.

Thank God, later I felt that Accounting was like a piece of cake for me. My performance in Accounting really satisfies me and my teacher. My friends always asked for my help whenever they were having a problem in Accounting.

To cut a long story short, SPM Trial Examination approached. Everyone spent their precious time in library, mugging.I did not study hard as my friends did because I thought that I was good enough in Accounting. I pay more attention in other subject rather than Accounting. I completely put my faith in my ability when I sit for Accounting paper.

Unfortunately, my result turned out to be really bad! I got the lowest mark for Accounting in my class! My teacher and friends really shocked to hear about my result. At that time, I was drowning in my anger,frustration,sadness and humiliation. I was really shame with myself.

But later, I began to realise that it was no use to cry over a spilt milk. After all, it was MY FAULT. I was too confident with myself. I had to take consequences of my silly actions. I had misused the ability that God have give to me. O Allah, forgive my sins.

After that unforgettable moment in my life, I stood up with my own legs, with all the supprt from my parents, teachers and friends. I began to study smarter,harder, did a lot of exercises and always approached my teachers whenever I have a problem. I divided equally my time to revise all my SPM subjects. I completely change to a new person, humble. I did not boast anymore with my ability. I really regret with all the things that happened to me.

Alhamdulillah, I manage to score A for my Accounting subject in SPM. I could not do that without the help from my Lord, parents, teachers and friends. That incidence really taught me something in an unpleasant way, do not too confident with yourself. Get out from your comfort zone!

That's all from me, thank you! See you again next time!

Monday 17 August 2015

Career Test

Assalamualaikum and hello!

I want to be a businesswoman in the future. I wrote that in my last post. Today, I ran a career test. The result turned out to be that a I am ISFJ- Nurturers and Defenders.

ISFJ is very observant and aware of others reactions and feelings. I always try to make everyone that surrounds me happy. ISFJ is also service oriented. They focuses on other's wants and needs. I always prioritise others before myself.

The result also stated that I am extremely interested and tuned to how other's are feeling. I always trying to pursuade people whenever they are feeling sad. And the other thing was I enjoy creating order and structure, and I am EXTREMELY good at this. I love to organise all the things. Every night, before I go to sleep, I will list all the things that I want to do on tomorrow. This routine always helps me to make my day more organise.

Last but not least, the possible career paths for the ISFJ is designers, interior.decorators, social work/counsellors and so on. This type of career really matches well with my ambition. I want to be a businesswoman in woman clothing. I really like to observe the current trending fashion. In the future, I want to design my own brand. When I get richer,I will do some social works to help the poor citizen. 

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!

Sunday 16 August 2015

Learning Style

Assalamualaikum and hello!

There are three learning styles, visual,auditory and kinaesthetic (VAK). My learning style turn out to be Auditory style. I like to listen to music when I am doing my work. Especially in Mathematics, I love to listen to music when I was trying to solve the problems. I realise that, when I am doing that, it helps me to get done with my homework faster!

My friend, 'Iffah binti Azmi learn in kinaesthetic way. She always remember and process information through the space around her. She told me that, she found it hard to sit still for a long time when learning. She always become distracted and tend to move around while learning.

This is me and 'Iffah.

Last but not least, my friend that learning through visual style is Arina binti Abdullah! Psst,she is my house mate.. She loves to do a mind map whenever she learn something new. She also likes art! She joins Free Arts Movement(FAM) in Taylor's College. She enjoys looking at maps, charts, pictures, videos, and movies.
This is me and Arina!

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!

Tuesday 11 August 2015

Personality test

Assalamualaikum and hello!

We had done a personality test. This test is designed to help us discover our 4-letter personality type code based on the system developed by Briggs Myers.

So..... after the test, I discovered that ...


Yes, as stated above, ESFJ person is a very generous person. An ESFJ person is like a mother to everyone. I am 200% agree with that! I like to put others importances' before myself. I do not care of my own impotance, as long as all the people that surrounds me are happy. 

One of ESFJ's strength is they have strong practical skills.  ESFJs are excellent managers of day-to-day tasks and routine maintenance, enjoying making sure that those who are close to them are well cared for. This statement matches me very well. I like to make a what-to-do list every day before go to sleep. This routine helps to organise my daily activities. 

Obviously,every person has their own weaknesses. As an ESFJ person, one of the weakness is they are often too needy.  ESFJs need to hear and see a great deal of appreciation. If their efforts go unnoticed, people with the ESFJ personality type may start fishing for compliments, in an attempt to get reassurance of how much they are valued. I like people to compliment my effort ,hehe.. For instance, whenever I cooked something, I like to ask people about what does it taste like. If I got a compliment, I get really happy and tend to do the cooking really often.

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!

Monday 10 August 2015


Assalamualaikum and hello!

Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) was created in 2007 to enhance university-level education to meet the ever- changing demands of industry, community and globalisation. TGC outlines the core knowledge, skills, abilities and qualities that students will develop at Taylor’s University regardless of their programme of study.

This is the mind map of the IELTS subject that help us to achieve our TGC.

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!

Wednesday 5 August 2015

My achievement and ambition

Assalamualaikum and hello!!

My name is Asma' binti Zakaria. I am 18 years old. I live in Kajang. I am currently studying at Taylor's College Subang Jaya. I am doing my preparation called SAM ( South Australian Matriculation ) for one and a half year here to pursue my study in New Zealand later in Bachelor of Accounting. In shaa Allah.

One of my biggest achievement was I managed to get 11 A's in my SPM!! I was really shocked and surprised to get to see my results. It was a very meaningful achievement for me. I felt like I was in a cloud nine at that time. I cannot express my feelings. It was all mixed up. Happy,satisfied,sad,excited and so on. I could not do that without the helps from my family,teachers and friends. All my hardwork all this time worth a penny. 

I remembered when I got C for Accounting paper in my trial examination I was really devastated because before this I always excel in Accounting subject. After that horrible moment, I started to get up and reached out from my comfort zone. I always seek for my teacher's and friend's help whenever I had trouble in solving the question. At the end, my friends and I managed to get a flying colours result.

 I dedicated this success to my parents as they took care of me until I became a useful person. I pledge to myself that I want to repeat the same achievement again so that they can smile like this again. A real happiness is when getting to see their delightful faces.

My other achievement is I managed to get  PETRONAS scholarship to pursue my studies in University. Again, I really thank Allah,my family,teachers and friends for giving me this oppurtunities. It feels like a dream. I do not have to ask my mom for money again after this. I feel like I have lessen my mom's burden. I am proud of myself.  

I want to be a bussinesswoman. I want to make money on my own. When I work at the PETRONAS in the future, I will save up some money to use for my business's capital. After 5 years of serving PETRONAS, I want to build my own business. I want to open a boutique with my own brand. I want people to proudly wear my own brand. I want my brand to be recognized worldwide. THAT is my dream.

That's all from me. Thank you! See you again next time!